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Hybrid systems made of DBT:Anth crystals coupled to different photonic nanostructures is a versatile test bed for the study of strong light-matter interactions in structured environments. The enhancement and tunability achievable in these hybrid nanostructures promise new fundamental insight as well as potential applications, ranging from sensing to quantum computing but it is also a promising way to test fundamental physics such as Casimir forces and vacuum effects.

Experimental results and comparison with theory

Selected publications

A 3D Polymeric Platform for Photonic Quantum Technologies


Cold and hot spots: from inhibition to enhancement by nanoscale phase tuning of optical nanoantennas


Electromechanical control of nitrogen-vacancy defect emission using graphene NEMS


Coherent characterisation of a single molecule in a photonic black box


A scanning microcavity for in situ control of single-molecule emission


Beaming light from a quantum emitter with a planar optical antenna


A realistic fabrication and design concept for quantum gates based on single emitters integrated in plasmonic-dielectric waveguide structures


Single-molecule study for a graphene-based nano-position sensor
